Album, 2022
Mouthwatering Records
Spotify | Apple Music | Smart Link
Single, 2021
Mouthwatering Records
Spotify | Apple Music | Deezer | Smart Link
Single, 2021
Mouthwatering Records
Spotify | Apple Music | Smartlink
Double album, 2014
Irascible/Believe Music
Album, 2010
Saïko Records
Album, 2008
(temporarily unavailable)
Album, 2006
(temporarily unavailable)
Directed and edited by Nuél Schoch. An animated gif-like clip using the bullet time effect based on synced stereo photography. Shot in unfinished old army bunkers, located in the Üetliberg Zurich, Switzerland. Thanks to Lark Ring (Performer), Ramon Ziegler (Driver, Assistant, additional synths), Aless Giannelli (Drums), Christian Egloff (Bunker guide), ZAZ Zentrum für Architektur Zürich, Popkredit der Stadt Zürich und Kanton Zürich Kultur.
A beautiful claymation stopmotion clip about a colorful world in the depth, where life, death and decay play their putrid game. Directed and animated by Martyna Koleniec, Camera by Ondrej Nedved, 2020.
Time To Go
A shadow on a surreal, nightly quest that leads up the walls and trees and down the drains. A personal, true story about escaping a loud party location after playing a show. Directed by Tom Huber, 2020.
The Droning
An experimental feedback clip captured with an old pocket camera. Directed by Nuél Schoch, 2014
Directed by Nuél Schoch, 2014
Under Your Command
Directed by Cornelius Heinzer, Yves Gutjahr und Patrick Portmann, 2008
«Utter Delight» is the first record of Nuél Schoch’s new life, in which he now sees the world through a father’s eyes. Deeply impressed by the sheer inconceivability of becoming and the clumsy genius of growth, Nuél stacks the soundscapes and beats of his fifth record with childly delight. Kejnu’s latest release bubbles unlike any record before.
In «Utter Delight,» Kejnu strays deep into a sensitive, introspective world, home to but one condition: transience. And because nothing is permanent, nothing can be lost. While earlier Kejnu records featured solemn compositions and somber arrangements, «Utter Delight» is an unpredictable chain reaction, an undamped evolution obeying one simple law: no repetition without variation. Like the cosmos in timelapse.
Kejnu’s last album and last concerts lie eight years behind us. «Utter Delight» seamlessly continues the musical vision of songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Nuél Schoch. Everything about this comeback is distinctively Kejnu: spiry and wondrous, packed with contradictions, yet entirely Zen.
Kejnu is the moniker of multi-instrumentalist and multimedia artist Nuél Schoch, who grew up in a sunny village on the shores of Lake Zurich in Switzerland. Despite of a great view of the Alps, his urge for the dark and mysterious made him paint the walls black, draw the curtains and immerse himself in the creation of music.
He learned to play the guitar at a very young age and was already producing and distributing his own 4-track tape recordings when he was 14.
Nuél studied visual arts and is known for humorous, macabre and pensive drawings as well as colorful, experimental and glitch art inspired graphical artworks. He also has a degree in web-development.
Schoch's manifold music is characterized by rattling beats and percussions, grainy synthesizers, dreamy, solemn vocals and slightly psychedelic post-rock guitars. In his music you can find traces of a huge genre spectrum ranging from Alternative and Dream Pop to Ambient, Electronica and Post-Rock.
In spite of Schoch’s strong musical vision, Kejnu has always been influenced by the skills of his long-time band members and studio partners Alessandro Giannelli on drums and Ramon Ziegler on synths.
Kejnu ist das Pseudonym des Schweizer Multiinstrumentalisten und Multimediakünstlers Nuél Schoch, aufgewachsen in einem Dorf am Zürichsee mit imposantem Blick auf die Alpen. Sein Drang nach dem Dunklen und Geheimnisvollen liess ihn dennoch die Wände schwarz streichen und die Vorhänge zuziehen, um in die Mysterien der Musik einzutauchen.
«Utter Delight» ist das erste Album im neuen Leben von Nuél Schoch, der jetzt nämlich durch die Augen eines Vaters sieht. Tief beeindruckt von der Unfassbarkeit des Entstehens und der unbeholfenen Genialität des Werdens legt er auf Kejnus fünftem Album die Soundscapes und Beats mit kindlichem Entzücken übereinander. Heraus gekommen ist ein Album, wie selten eines verspielter blubberte.
Auf «Utter Delight» streunt Kejnu durch eine sensible, in sich gekehrte Welt, die nur einen Zustand kennt: den Übergang. Und wo nichts permanent ist, gibt es auch nichts zu verlieren. Waren frühere Kejnu-Alben ernste Kompositionen und düstere Arrangements, ist «Utter Delight» eine unvorhersehbare Kettenreaktion, eine ungebremste Evolution mit nur einem einzigen Gesetz: Keine Wiederholung ohne Variation. Wie der Kosmos im Zeitraffer.
Das letzte Album, die letzten Konzerte von Kejnu liegen acht Jahre zurück. «Utter Delight» führt die musikalische Vision von Songwriter und Multiinstrumentalist Nuél Schoch nahtlos weiter. Alles an diesem Comeback ist unverkennbar Kejnu: verschlungen und mysteriös, voller Gegensätze und trotzdem unüberhörbar im Zen.
Er lernte früh Gitarre spielen und produzierte bereits mit 14 Jahren seine eigenen 4-Spur-Kassetten-Aufnahmen.
Nuél hat Bildende Kunst studiert und ist bekannt für humorvolle, makabre und nachdenkliche Zeichnungen sowie bunte, experimentelle grafische Artworks. Er hat ausserdem ein Zertifikat in Web-Entwicklung.
Schochs vielfältige Musik ist gebaut aus verwobenen Beats und Percussions, körnigen Synthesizern, verträumtem, sakralem Gesang und psychedelischen Post-Rock-Gitarren. Spuren eines breiten Genrespektrums von Alternative und Dream-Pop bis hin zu Ambient, Electronica und Post-Rock lassen sich in seinen Tracks finden.
Neben Schochs eigenbrötlerischer Vision trägt Kejnu die musikalischen Fingerabdrücke seiner langjährigen Bandmitglieder und Studiomusiker Alessandro Giannelli am Schlagzeug und Ramon Ziegler an den Synths.
Nuél Schoch
Mouthwatering Records
Dear friends
Today I release my new album «Utter Delight». It's long overdue and I was looking forward to this day for several years. The last couple of years I was focussing more on releasing children into the world :) and boy that's a lot of work!
Some of the songs you may have already heard, some are fresh for sure. Let me know what you think, I like mail.
Now on all platforms. Have fun!
Apple Music
YouTube Music
Amazon Music
Fans and friends of the underground, here is the video for my song «Waterhole», one of my personal favorites of my lately released singles. Finally! I waited long to announce this, but it was just so damn hard to finish!
For more than ten years now I was planning to shoot a video using 3D photography and the so-called «bullet time effect». Something about that vision is even older and goes back to my childhood when I gazed through my «3d view master» watching burning objects fall down to earth.
Two years ago I had the opportunity to visit these old military bunkers in the Üetliberg here in Zurich, Switzerland and bring my gear, a performer and an assistant with me. You can't imagine how dark and silent it is down there, I've never seen a more beautiful and frightening place like this before. These bunkers were built for WW2 and kept secret for decades, they were never finished nor used and I'm happy to have brought a little bit of culture down there instead.
Who you see here is my friend Lark Ring, the perfect character for these rough surroundings. He's a complex figure who radiates many things: agility, sensitivity and vulnerability but also coolness, pride and a dash of narcissism. Bamm! That's what I wanted.
I hope you enjoy the clip, let me know what you think in the comments please, I will always answer. Make sure to follow me on my social media profiles and music platforms.
Thank you: Lark Ring for performing, Ramon Ziegler for driving, carrying and assisting, Christian Egloff for guiding, Ale von Zerohero, ZAZ Zentrum Architektur Zürich, Popkredit - Jazz/Rock/Pop Stadt Zürich, Kanton Zürich, Kulturbüro Zürich, Alessandro Giannelli, Sophie Adam, Nadine Schärer, Andreas Ryser and Mouthwatering Records.
A storm cloud of inspiration, excitement, humour, envy and disgust swirls tons of material into the air. After 4 minutes with eyes open, input and output channels are clogged, the CPU overloaded and the body restlessly vibrating. What sounds like symptoms of illness is probably just normal everyday life as a hypersensitive person with a few broken filters and glare flaps. In music, calm is found, the mind is cooled, and a quiet, fine, glittering layer of dust remains and becomes melancholic songs.
This is «Fake Eyebrows», the last single before my upcoming new album. It's not uncommon for me to stick with my initial working titles, especially when they inject the songwriting process with subconciously picked but very central topics. Desire, being desired, self-expression, lust, reality on the physical and digital layer.
Spotify | Apple Music | Deezer | Smart Link
My new single «Apeland» is a motivational speech to myself not to be lazy and not to postpone my creative moments. Not to judge things before I try them. Telling all the little voices to go to hell. I usually listen to them. I'm sure you know that shit.
Check the single here on Spotify and put it on your personal playlist.
«Portal» is my first song to feature a piano. As very often I tell some idiots (not you!) to go to hell and leave me alone. I need silence, I need space, I need darkness.
Check it out, it also features a church-organ which makes this even more pathetic. I love that stuff =)
After my double album release «Centillion» in 2014 and some touring in 2014/15, the time passed oddly fast. Maybe it was some sort of wave in the fabric of space. Nevermind. I started releasing new songs, «Waterhole», «Time To Go» and «Photons», all taken from my upcoming album which will be released in late 2021.
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Make sure to also follow me on instagram to see my steady stream of art, music, videos and odd selfies. And if you turn your back on hand-made alternative music and focus more on the happy dance music genre, you are free to unsubscribe at any time =)
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Not only am I a musician, producer and visual artist but also a web developer and designer. More about that on
Later this year there will be a merchandise section on this website where you can buy posters, shirts and physical releases.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me
Nuél Schoch
Luggwegstrasse 6
CH-8048 Zürich